Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

I’ll start this post at the practical end of the spectrum, progressing to the philosophical by the end.

Here’s the line up...
The school where I work installed Smartboards in each classroom at the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. Given my penchant for technology, I was asked to serve as liaison to the teachers as they learned to implement this new teaching tool. Once familiar with the functionality of the hardware and software, I began to search out resources to share with the teachers. This lead me to find several wonderful blogs including SMART Board Revolution. I like this one in particular because it is part of a Ning site; full of videos, a discussion board, and page after page of links to other Smartboard resources.
Not a day goes by at work when I don’t use Adobe InDesign. Admission documents, save-the-date cards, student directory, promotional posters, print ads - the list goes on and on. I fancy myself as rather proficient at this point, but as anyone who has used InDesign knows, it is very deep software. Whenever I’m at a loss, I venture over to The blog is chock full of tasty tips that I use on a regular basis. The rest of the site is an invaluable resource for tutorials, plug-ins and templates.
While my work requires quite a bit of screen time, I also get to wander the halls of school with my Nikon D90 looking for those shots that tell the stories of our students and teachers. I follow Wired Raw File for inspiration - lighting, angles, framing, composition, color, contrast.
Edward Tufte’s design can be described as minimalist, spartan, uncompromising, or just plain boring. I find it elegantly simple. I looked to his work when I redesigned the layout of our school e-newsletter. I adhere to his philosophy on presentation materials. If he brings his workshop to your town, I highly suggest attending. You will think twice about your next Powerpoint.
Finally, Open Education. Cloistered in my independent school world, this site keeps my eyes open to trends and issues on the public side of the fence.

Harrison, S. (Photographer). (2010). board [Photograph], Retrieved September 29, 2010, from:

photo_tufte [Photograph]. Retrieved September 29, 2010, from: